Design, Build, Ship
Faster, Safer Software Delivery


Language: English
Cover of the book Design, Build, Ship

Subject for Design, Build, Ship

300 p.
Publication Abandoned

What's the best way to get code from your laptop into a production environment? With this highly actionable guide, architects, developers, engineers, and others in the IT space will learn everything from local development builds to continuous integration and continuous delivery, and from mobile, IOT, and container-based deployments to infrastructure automation and testing.

Author Sam Newman (Building Microservices) provides real-world examples to depict the end-to-end journey through today's state-of-the art build and deployment process. Much has changed in just a few years: the cloud has grown, mobile development has proliferated, DevOps is finding wider acceptance, and the IoT is very much in play. You'll start with the big picture and then dive into individual topics that govern modern software production.

This book explores:
- Automated builds, version control, repeatable builds, and artifact storage
- What continuous integration includes—and what it doesn't
- Version control basics, cherry picking, release branching, gitflow, and pull requests
- Core tenets of continuous delivery and the technology behind it
- Application deployment topics, including artifact types and deployment platforms
- Why you should treat testing and monitoring/alerting as an inseparable whole
- How modules, static linking, and microservices enable you to deploy software quickly

After spending time at multiple startups and 12 years at ThoughtWorks, Sam Newman is now an independent consultant. Specialising in microservices, cloud, and continuous delivery, Sam helps clients around the world deliver software faster and more reliably through training and consulting.
Sam is an experienced speaker who has spoken at conferences across the world, and is the author of Building Microservices from O'Reilly Media.