Philosophy: the power of ideas (6th ed )


Language: English

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· 18.8x23.4 cm · Soft-cover
This comprehensive text with readings offers a historical overview of all major subdivisions of Western Philosophy perspectives. Written in an engaging and captivating style, it makes philosophy accessible without oversimplifying the material, and shows that philosophy's powerful ideas affect the lives of real people. The sixth edition includes new pedagogical tools and expanded coverage.
Chapter 1: Powerful Ideas What Is Philosophy? Misconceptions about Philosophy The Tools of Philosophy: Argument and Logic The Divisions of Philosophy The Benefits of Philosophy
Part 1: METAPHYSICS AND EPISTEMOLOGY: EXISTENCE AND KNOWLEDGE Chapter 2: The Pre-Socratics The Milesians Pythagoras Heraclitus and Parmenides Empedocles and Anaxagoras The Atomists Chapter 3: Socrates, Plato Socrates Plato Selection 3.1: Plato, Apology Selection 3.2: Plato, Republic Selection 3.3: Plato, Meno Chapter 4: Aristotle What Is It to Be? Actuality and Possibility Essence and Existence Ten Basic Categories The Three Souls Aristotle and the Theory of Forms Aristotle's Theory of Knowledge Logic Selection 4.1: Aristotle, Metaphysics Chapter 5: Philosophers of the Hellenistic and Christian Eras Metaphysics in the Roman Empire The Middle Ages and Aquinas Selection 5.1: St. Augustine, Confessions Chapter 6: The Rise of Modern Metaphysics and Epistemology Descartes and Dualism Hobbes and Materialism The Alternative Views of Conway, Spinoza, and Leibniz The Idealism of Locke and Berkeley Selection 6.1: René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy Selection 6.2: Benedictus de Spinoza, Ethics Selection 6.3: George Berkeley, Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge Chapter 7: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries David Hume Immanuel Kant The Nineteenth Century Selection 7.1: David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Selection 7.2: Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason Selection 7.3: Georg Hegel, The Philosophy of History Selection 7.4: Arthur Schopenhauer, The World As Will and Representation Chapter 8: The Continental Tradition Existentialism Two Existentialists Phenomenology An Era of Suspicion Selection 8.1: Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism and Humanism Selection 8.2: Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus Selection 8.3: Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality Selection 8.4: Michel Foucault, Madness and Civilization Selection 8.5: Jürgen Habermas, Toward a Rational Society Selection 8.6: Richard Rorty, Philosophy and Social Hope Chapter 9: The Pragmatic and Analytic Traditions Pragmatism Analytic Philosophy The Philosophy of Mind Selection 9.1: A. J. Ayer, The Elimination of Metaphysics Selection 9.2: J. J. C. Smart, Sensations and Brain Processes Selection 9.3: Richard Rorty, Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth
Part 2: MORAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY Chapter 10: Moral Philosophy Skepticism, Relativism, and Subjectivism Egoism Hedonism The Five Main Ethical Frameworks The Early Greeks Epicureanism and Stoicism Christianizing Ethics Hobbes and Hume Kant The Utilitarians Friedrich Nietzsche Selection 10.1: Plato, Gorgias Selection 10.2: Epicurus, Epicurus to Menoeceus Selection 10.3: Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics Selection 10.4: Epictetus, The Encheiridion Selection 10.5: Immanuel Kant, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals Selection 10.6: John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism Selection 10.7: Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Chapter 11: Political Philosophy Plato and Aristotle Natural Law Theory and Contractarian Theory Two Other Contractarian Theorists American Constitutional Theory Classic Liberalism and Marxism Selection 11.1: Plato, Crito Selection 11.2: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan Selection 11.3: John Stuart Mill, On Liberty Selection 11.4: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Communist Manifesto Chapter 12: Recent Moral and Political Philosophy G. E. Moore Normative Ethics and Metaethics W. D. Ross Emotivism and Beyond John Rawls, a Contemporary Liberal Robert Nozick's Libertarianism Communitarian Responses to Rawls Herbert Marcuse, a Contemporary Marxist "Isms" Selection 12.1: James Rachels, Killing and Starving to Death Selection 12.2: John Rawls, A Theory of Justice Selection 12.3: Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia
Part 3: PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: REASON AND FAITH Chapter 13: Philosophy and Belief in God Two Christian Greats Mysticism Seventeenth-Century Perspectives Eighteenth-Century Perspectives Nineteenth-Century Perspectives Twentieth-Century Perspectives Selection 13.1: St. Anselm, Proslogion Selection 13.2: St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica Selection 13.3: Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science Selection 13.4: Antony Flew, Theology and Falsification Selection 13.5: Mary Daly, After the Death of God the Father
Part 4: OTHER VOICES Chapter 14: Feminist Philosphy The First Wave The Second Wave Selection 14.1: Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Women Selection 14.2: Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex Selection 14.3: Marielouise Janssen-Jurreit, Sexism: The Male Monopoly on History and Thought Selection 14.4: Sandra Harding, Should the History and Philosophy of Science Be X-Rated? Selection 14.5: Susan Moller Okin, Justice, Gender, and the Family Selection 14.6: Karen J. Warren, The Power and the Promise of Ecological Feminism Chapter 15: Eastern Influences Hinduism Buddhism Taoism Confucianism Zen Buddhism in China and Japan The Philosophy of the Samurai (c. 1100-1900) Selection 15.1: Confucius, Analects Selection 15.2: Buddha, The Eightfold Path Chapter 16: Post-Colonial Thought Historical Background Africa The Americas South Asia Selection 16.1: Léopold Sédar Senghor, On African Socialism Selection 16.2: Martin Luther King, Jr., The Sword That Heals Selection 16.3: Carlos Astrada, Existentialism and the Crisis of Philosophy Selection 16.4: Francisco Miró Quesada, Man without Theory Selection 16.5: Sonia Saldívar-Hull, Feminism on the Border: From Gender Politics to Geopolitics Selection 16.6: Mohandas K. Gandhi, Satyagraha Selection 16.7: Rabindranath Tagore, Towards Universal Man Appendix: Aesthetics, by Dominic McIver Lopes Photo Credits Glossary/Index