Annales de chimie Science des matériaux Vol. 31 N° 3/2006 May-June : recent advances in... Nanopowders / Nanopoudres


Language: English, French
Publication date:
Support: Journal issue
Out of Print
  • Nanopowders. Nanoparticles, for the worst or the best ?
    - pp.271-279
  • Evaporation and condensation for metallic nanopowders
    - pp.281-294
  • Advances in the laser pyrolysis synthesis of nanoparticles
    - pp.295-315
  • Supercritical fluid techniques
    - pp.317-337
  • Potential health impacts of nanoparticles
    - pp.339-350
  • Nanosystems for medical applications : biological detection, drug delivery, diagnosis and therapy
    - pp.351-367
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