Dad's Guide to Baby's First Year For Dummies


Language: English
Publication date:
480 p. · 14x21.1 cm · Paperback
Your comprehensive, practical guide to dadhood

Your new baby is nothing short of a miracle?and it's no wonder you want to keep your bundle of joy safe and sound through every stage of their first year. Dad's Guide to Baby's First Year For Dummies takes the guesswork out of being your baby's primary caregiver, giving you sound instruction and helpful advice on looking after your baby, the essential gear you'll need to baby-proof your home, practical solutions to common parenting challenges, and so much more.

Whether it's due to a fledgling economy or a simple sign of modern times, more and more men are staying at home with the kids while their breadwinning wives or partners deal with rush hour traffic. Whatever the reason you've decided to take on the role of Mr. Mom, Dad's Guide to Baby's First Year For Dummies offers all the friendly guidance and trusted tips you need to be a fantastic full-time parent.

  • Look after your baby and teach children great skills
  • Help your partner through pregnancy, birth, and beyond
  • Follow the habits of highly successful dads
  • Be a hands-on, stay-at-home dad

If you're a proud papa-to-be, Dad's Guide to Baby's First Year For Dummies ensures all your bases are covered, so you can spend less time fretting about fatherhood and more time cherishing your wee one.

Introduction 1

Part 1: From Here to Paternity: Conception to Birth 5

CHAPTER 1: Fatherhood 7

CHAPTER 2: Getting Pregnant 27

CHAPTER 3: Pregnancy: A Drama in Three Acts 41

CHAPTER 4: Preparing for a Baby in the House 61

CHAPTER 5: It’s Showtime! Birth 89

Part 2: The First Year 109

CHAPTER 6: Being Dad to a Newborn 111

CHAPTER 7: The First Three Months 137

CHAPTER 8: Months Three to Six 161

CHAPTER 9: Months Six to Twelve 183

Part 3: The Toddler Years 207

CHAPTER 10: Toddling Toward Two: Months 12–24 209

CHAPTER 11: Charging Toward Three: Months 24–36 233

CHAPTER 12: Adding to Your Family 251

Part 4: The Preschool Years 263

CHAPTER 13: Fun and Games 265

CHAPTER 14: Health and Nutrition 281

CHAPTER 15: Getting an Education 305

Part 5: What Happens When 319

CHAPTER 16: Being a Stay-at-Home Dad 321

CHAPTER 17: Serious Illness and Losing Your Baby 331

CHAPTER 18: Disabilities, Disorders, and Special Conditions 349

CHAPTER 19: Separation and Divorce 363

Part 6: The Part of Tens 389

CHAPTER 20: Ten Ways to Improve Your Partner’s Pregnancy Experience 391

CHAPTER 21: Ten Ways to Bond with Your Newborn Baby 397

CHAPTER 22: Ten Ways to Engage with a Toddler 403

Part 7: Appendixes 409

APPENDIX A: Resources for Dads 411

APPENDIX B: Glossary 417

Index 431

A comprehensive and practical guide to dad hood, with advice on topics ranging from conception to looking after your baby, connecting with your little one and helping your child develop and grow.

Sharon Perkins, RN, has been a registered nurse, mostly in maternal-child health, for 30 years, a mother to five children for much longer, and a grandmother of three for the 14 best years of her life.

Stefan Korn is a father and New Zealand-based Internet entrepreneur.

Scott Lancaster looked after his daughter full-time for the first two years of her life and experienced being a stay-at-home dad (SAHD).