Microwave Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces
Techniques and Methods


Language: English
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Support: Print on demand

Microwave Remote Sensing of Land Surface: Techniques and Methods brings essential coverage of the space techniques of observation on continental surfaces. The authors explore major applications and provide detailed chapters on physical principles, physics of measurement, and data processing for each technique, bringing readers up-to-date descriptions of techniques used by leading scientists in the field of remote sensing and Earth observation.

1: Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging

2: SAR Imaging using Coherent Modes of Diversity: SAR Polarimetry, Interferometry and Tomography

3: The Principles of DTM Reconstruction from SAR Images

4: Principles of Radar Satellite Altimetry for Application on Inland Waters

5: Passive Low Frequency Microwaves: Principles, Radiative Transfer, Physics of Measurements

6: Space Gravimetry Using GRACE Satellite Mission: Basic Concepts

7: The Reflected Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS-R): from Theory to Practice

8: Data Assimilation of Satellite Observations

Remote sensing research teams, students in second (engineering schools, masters) and third university cycles (Masters, PhD).
Nicolas Baghdadi is Research Director at IRSTEA in France. He is currently the scientific director of the French Land Data Centre (Theia).
Mehrez Zribi is Director of Research at CNRS/France. He received Ph.D. degree in 1998 from the University of Toulouse, France. Since October 2008, he has been with the Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère, Toulouse. His research interests include land surface characterization for hydrology applications, remote sensing signal processing, and airborne microwave instrumentation. Mehrez Zribi has published 125 papers in peer-reviewed journals and has coordinated publication of 20 books about remote sensing for land surfaces. He serves as an editorial board member for several journals and coordinate several international and french research projects. He is deputy director of CESBIO laboratory.
  • Presents clear-and-concise descriptions of modern methods
  • Explores current remote sensing techniques that include physical aspects of measurement (theory) and their applications
  • Provides physical principles, measurement, and data processing chapters that are included for each technique described