Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes

Coordinator: Iglič︎ Aleš

Language: English
Publication date:
360 p. · 15x22.8 cm · Hardback
Out of Print

Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes volumes cover a broad range of topics, including main arrangements of the reconstituted system, namely planar lipid bilayers as well as spherical liposomes. The invited authors present the latest results of their own research groups in this exciting multidisciplinary field.

  1. Giant Vesicles: A Biomimetic Tool for Membrane Characterization
  2. Rumiana Dimova

  3. Low-Frequency Sound Propagation in Lipid Membranes
  4. Lars D. Mosgaard, Andrew D. Jackson and Thomas Heimburg

  5. Interactions of Biopolymer Chitosan with Plasma Membrane in Biomedical Applications
  6. Peter Veranic, Andreja Erman and Mojca Kerec-Kos

  7. Single-Chain Bolaphospholipids: Temperature-Dependent Self-Assembly and Mixing Behavior with Phospholipids
  8. Annette Meister and Alfred Blume

  9. Dynamics of Heterogeneity in Fluid Membranes

    Shigeyuki Komura, Sanoop Ramachandran, Kazuhiko Seki and Masayuki Imai
  10. Lipid Microdomains - Structure, Function, and Controversies
  11. Lucyna Mrówczynska

  12. Polyelectrolytes and Surfactants in Aqueous Solutions: From Dilute to Concentrated Systems
  13. Ksenija Kogej

  14. Implications of Microvesicle and Cell-Surface Protein Shedding for Biomarker Studies, Cancerogenesis and Therapeutic Target Discovery in Ovarian Cancer
  15. Katarina Cerne and Borut Kobal

  16. A Comparison of the Hodgkin-Huxley Model and the Soliton Theory for the Action Potential in Nerves
  17. Revathi Appali, Ursula van Rienen and Thomas Heimburg

  18. Permeability of Phospholipid Membrane for Small Polar Molecules Determined from Osmotic Swelling of Giant Phospholipid VesiclesPrimoz Peterlin, Vesna Arrigler, Haim Diamant and Emir Haleva
Chemical Engineers, physical chemists, biologists and biochemists, biochemical engineers
Aleš Iglic received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in physics and M.Sc. degree in biophysics from the Department of Physics, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, all from the University of Ljubljana. He is a Full Professor and the Head of Laboratory of Biophysics of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of Ljubljana. His main research interests are in electrostatics, mechanics and statistical physics of lipid nanostructures and biological membranes. He is devoted to higher education, basic research in biophysics and close contacts to clinical practice. Prof. Iglic was visiting scientist and professor at Åbo Academy University in Turku (Finland), Friedrich Schiller University in Jena (Germany) and Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic). He established collaborations with researchers from different universities across the Europe, USA and India and was supervisor of many M.Sc., Ph.D. and postdoctoral students from Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Iran, Bulgaria, Germany, India and Israel. Since 2009 is the editor of Elsevier book series »Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes« (APLBL).
  • Incorporates contributions from newcomers and established and experienced researchers
  • Explores the planar lipid bilayer systems and spherical liposomes from both theoretical and experimental perspectives
  • Serves as an indispensable source of information for new scientists