日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!
Performing Japanese Culture – Level 2 Volume 2 Textbook


Language: English
日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!
Publication date:
· 17.4x24.6 cm · Hardback

日本語NOW! NihonGO NOW!
Publication date:
· 17.4x24.6 cm · Paperback

NihonGO NOW! Level 2 is an intermediate-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple opportunities to experience the language within its cultural context.

From the outset, learners are presented with samples of authentic language that are context-sensitive and culturally coherent. Instructional time is used primarily to rehearse interactions that learners of Japanese are likely to encounter in the future, whether they involve speaking, listening, writing, or reading.

Level 2 comprises two textbooks with accompanying activity books. These four books in combination with audio and video files allow instructors to adapt an intermediate-level course, such as the second or third year of college Japanese, to their students? needs. They focus on language and modeled behavior, providing opportunities for learners to acquire language through performance templates. Online resources provide additional support for both students and instructors. Audio files, videos, supplementary exercises, and a teachers? manual are available at www.routledge.com/9781138305304.

NihonGO NOW! Level 2 Volume 2 Textbook is ideally accompanied by the Level 2 Volume 2 Activity Book.

19. そういうわけにはいきませんし……。It’s not as if... 20. 聞かずにはいられなくなって……。I couldn’t help but ask… 21. 典(てん)型(けい)的(てき)な夜(よる)型(がた)です。 I’m a typical night owl. 22.これさえできれば大丈夫 。If we can do just this much it will be fine. 23. 理(り)想(そう)を言えばキリがないけど……。When it comes to ideals, there is no end, but... 24. 挨(あい)拶(さつ) Formal Speeches

Mari Noda is Professor of Japanese at The Ohio State University.

Patricia J. Wetzel is Emerita Professor of Japanese at Portland State University.

Ginger Marcus is Professor of the Practice of Japanese Language at Washington University in St. Louis.

Stephen D. Luft is Lecturer of Japanese at the University of Pittsburgh.

Shinsuke Tsuchiya is Assistant Professor of Japanese at Brigham Young University.