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Search on the subject Fruit industry :

We found 19 books matching Fruit industry

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  1. Couverture de l'ouvrage Fruit Preservation
    Language: English
    12-2019532 p.15.5x23.5 cm
    Fruits and fruit based products are, in most cases, associated with very good sensory characteristics, health, well-being, perishability, relatively easy to mix with food products of diverse...
    In Print (Delivery period: 15 days).
    Paperback Approximative price 163.51 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  2. Couverture de l'ouvrage Fruit Preservation
    Language: English
    11-2018532 p.15.5x23.5 cm
    Fruits and fruit based products are, in most cases, associated with very good sensory characteristics, health, well-being, perishability, relatively easy to mix with food products of diverse...
    In Print (Delivery period: 15 days).
    Hardback Approximative price 232.09 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  3. Language: French
    10-2011107 p.22x30 cm
    In Print (Delivery period: 5 days).
    Spiral Approximative price 274.28 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  4. Couverture de l'ouvrage Guide des fruits et légumes en restauration hors domicile
    Authors : TISSERAND Jérôme, LAJEUNESSE Marc, HUSSON Philippe, JUSSERAND Isabelle
    Language: French
    04-2011324 p.15.5x24 cm
    Le guide de la Restauration Hors Domicile est un véritable outil de travail destiné aux professionnels de la restauration publique ou privé, aux prescripteurs et aux responsables de cuisine. Il...
    In Print (Delivery period: 8 days).
    Paperback Approximative price 30.00 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  5. Couverture de l'ouvrage La commercialisation des fruits et légumes frais sur internet
    Author : CHRISTY Gilles
    Language: French
    07-201062 p.20.7x29.5 cm
    Le secteur du e-commerce ne cesse de progresser. Internet est désormais entré dans les habitudes de consommation des Français. Deux tiers des internautes sont désormais des cyberacheteurs...
    In Print (Delivery period: 8 days).
    Paperback Approximative price 23.33 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  6. Author : LIU Pascal
    Language: English
    03-2009112 p.
    Certification is a written guarantee by an independent certification agency that a product meets the criteria or requirements contained in a certain standard. An increasing proportion of the...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Paperback Approximative price 29.12 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  7. Language: English
    10-2008128 p.
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Loose-leaf Approximative price 110.30 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  8. Couverture de l'ouvrage Successful superfruit strategy: how to build a superfruit business
    Author : CRAWFORD K.
    Language: English
    07-2008268 p.21x30 cm
    To consumers they mean health, taste and convenience, and to food companies they mean big business. Superfruits are revolutionising the way consumers relate to fruit and fruit-based products and...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Hardback Unknown price Add to cartAdd to cart
  9. Authors : PINEIRO M., DIAZ RIOS LUZ B.
    Language: English
    03-2008136 p.
    Latin American case studies on "Implementing programmes to improve safety and quality in fruit and vegetables supply chains: benefits and drawbacks" provide guidelines to improve understanding of...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Paperback Approximative price 44.32 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  10. Author : ENKERLIN W.
    Language: English
    01-2008144 p.
    There has been little harmonization of the processes involved in the handling and release of sterile insects after production in mass rearing facilities. There are no standard guidelines available...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Paperback Approximative price 54.44 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  11. Couverture de l'ouvrage Private standards in the United States and European Union markets for fruit and vegetables
    Language: English
    01-2008150 p.
    Over the past 20 years the number of standards and certification programmes for agricultural production has grown rapidly. Producers who want to export are confronted not only by a plethora of...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Paperback Approximative price 21.50 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  12. Couverture de l'ouvrage Gestion de l'eau en station fruitière
    Authors : COUREAU Claude, ZAVAGLI Franziska, GIRAUD Michel, MATHIEU-HURTIGER Vincent, WESTERCAMP Pascale
    Language: French
    12-2007136 p.16x24 cm
    L'eau est au coeur du processus de conditionnement réalisé en station fruitière. Elle permet, entre autres, de véhiculer les fruits, de les laver et participe également au fonctionnement des...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Paperback Approximative price 29.41 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  13. Couverture de l'ouvrage Le prix des fruits et légumes frais: Qu'en pensent les consommateurs ? Quelle place au moment de l'achat ?
    Authors : ROTY Catherine, DUBUISSON-QUELLIER Sophie, ROBINET Fabrice
    Language: French
    12-200592 p.21x29 cm
    Aujourd'hui, les consommateurs ont le sentiment que le prix des produits de grande consommation a crû beaucoup plus que celui des biens d'équipement. Qu'en est-il des fruits et légumes, dont la...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Paperback Approximative price 23.33 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  14. Couverture de l'ouvrage Argumentaire de vente des fruits et légumes frais
    Authors : DUFRESNE Benoît, BLAISE Pierre, MARION Michel
    Language: French
    12-2004130 p.10x18 cm
    Cet outil est destiné aux professionnels du commerce de détail en fruits et légumes. Il doit être utilisé pour former le personnel au contact de la clientèle ou confié à ce même personnel pour...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Spiral Approximative price 10.00 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  15. Authors : ARIAS Pedro, DANKERS Cora, LIU Pascal, PILKAUSKAS Paul
    Language: English
    01-200386 p.
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Paperback Approximative price 30.38 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  16. Couverture de l'ouvrage Fruit and Vegetable Processing : Improving Quality
    Author : JONGEN Wim
    Language: English
    08-2002388 p.27x24.1 cm
    International experts provide current research on measuring and improving the safety and quality of both fresh and processed fruit and vegetables. The chapters cover a wide range of related...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Hardback Approximative price 188.59 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  17. Couverture de l'ouvrage Introduction à la transformation industrielle des fruits
    Author : ESPIARD Étienne
    Language: French
    06-2002360 p.15.5x24 cm
    L'élaboration d'un projet de transformation industrielle de produits agricoles s'appuie sur quelques données essentielles : une connaissance précise de la matière première (sur le plan tant...
    In stock: 24 hours delivery!
    Paperback 78.00 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  18. Couverture de l'ouvrage Technologies de transformation des fruits
    Language: French
    03-2002498 p.16x25 cm
    Disponible dans des gammes sans cesse élargies, accessible et pratique, le fruit transformé offre au consommateur un grand confort d'utilisation. L'industrie est ainsi devenue l'un des débouchés...
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Hardback 120.00 € Add to cartAdd to cart
  19. Author : VERNIN
    Language: French
    Subject to availability at the publisher.
    Approximative price 22.31 € Add to cartAdd to cart